Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Abstract Form-Baldizar-Due 3/23

Homework due WED, 3/23

  1. Finish Wire Shoe and bring to class for Critique.
  2. Find three images of FIGURES in MOTION. Print them out and glue into your sketchbook. BRING to CLASS for DISCUSSION.
  3. Bring Paring knife to class for carving.
  4. Blog Entry:
  5. Find an image of abstract sculpture(must be 3D, NO paintings).
  6. Post it to the blog.
  7. List the Title, Artist and Date.
  8. Write a brief description, including what inspired it. If you can't find out what it is inspired by, then make an educated guess and describe why using the elements and principles of design. See below for an example."Bird In Flight," by Constantin Brancusi, 1923
He concentrated not on the physical aspects of the bird but on it's movement. In "Bird In Space" wings and feathers are eliminated, the swell of the body is elongated, and the head and the beak are reduced to a slanted oval plane. Balanced on a slender conical footing, the figure's upward thrust is unfettered. Brancusi's inspired abstraction realizes his stated intent to capture "the essence of flight." -The Metropolitan Museum of Art description

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