Tuesday, April 19, 2011

ORTIGOZA - constructing meaning. 4/19

1. What is the message you want to convey with your armor?
--the message I want to convey with my armor is that I won't let my voice become broken.

2. Have you used a stereotype or cliche? Does this strengthen or weaken your message?
--I believe i did not choose a stereotype or cliche which in the outcome strengthens my message.

3. How will the armor protect you? Physically? Emotionally?
--The armor will protect my neck/throat, mainly my voice box. It will put up a physical wall from any harm that could potentially silence me, or make me not speak.

4. How will you wear it?
--It will only cover the front part of my neck from chin to the top of my chest, there will be stings to tie behind my neck, and hooks that go over my shoulder.

5. How will you embellish this armor?
--I am going to cover the inside that is against my neck with multicolored feathers, and design the front with jewels.

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