Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Critical Thinking

For your 2nd blog entry you need to read the following found on our Moodle Site.

1.) Developing Critical Thinking, From Launching the Imagination by Mary Stewart (4 pages)

After reading both, take some time and answer the following questions:

1.) What did you learn about critiques that you did not know before?
2.) Why are they valuable?


  1. I learned what the difference between objective and subjective criticism is. Objective criticism is used to analyze a piece of art work that is trying to utilize the elements and principles of design.The criticism focuses on: the type of balance used in the composition/how it was created, the spatial depth of a design/its compositional effect, and the degree of unity in a design/how it was achieved. Subjective criticism is when an observer describes the image personally affects them, “the narrative implications of an idea, or the cultural ramifications of an action”. The criticism usually focuses on: the theme of the artwork, what kind of vibe or feeling it gives off, and its relationship to cultural events and the artist’s intent. I also learned that there's two types of critiques such as the descriptive critique and the cause and effect critique.

  2. I learned that when critiqueing someone's work, you must not automatically jump to conclusions. You have to describe the visual organization as it is. I learned that three major characteristics that should noted when critiqueign are the shape of the overall work, the different range of color that has been used, and the size of the image or design. These steps are valuable because it helps analyzes the choices that the artist has made.

  3. After reading the article; “Developing Critical Thinking” by Mary Stewart, I learned about the importance of a class-involved critique, and what exactly is involved. I learned that during critiques, strengths and weaknesses of ones work are distinguished, and with that, one can take that feedback and use it to improve ones work both on a current or future project. I also learned that the success of a critique depends on how into/ involved students are, and how valuable their feedback is. I also learned that it is important to listen to what people are critiquing and don’t take it personally. The article also discussed the different types of critiques, descriptive and cause and effect.
    Critiques are valuable because it helps the person get an outside prescriptive on their work, and think about things that they would never have thought about if it weren’t brought to their attention. It helps generate ideas that as a result help to improve ones work of art. With art and many other subjects, having an outside opinion is always helpful.

  4. When I finished Reading the article about Critical Thinking, I realized just how important the opinions and input of others are. As an artist, one usually seeks to improve their skills and master their craft. Sometimes the best way to do so is to ask people around us what they think. It's also important to remember that critiques are never meant to hurt you or completey discourage you from your original idea. Critiques are essential helpers in the art world. For me, I have learned not only about the different types of critiques, but just how much they can help an artist.
    They hold high value because through critique we learn and problem solve. For example, if i drew a picture of a house and then asked the opinion of a friend, they might say that the lines need to be more precise or the windows are too slanted. They are not being negative towards the piece but instead giving valuable input which will in the end make a better piece.

  5. After reading "Critical Thinking", I understood the value of critiques. I have been in art classes where critiques were involved. I know that they can sometimes be frustrating to the artist because it may be difficult to explain in words why you decided to use certain elements and principles.
    Although it may be frustrating at first, I think that they help you become a better artist. You begin to ask yourself questions that others may ask you while you are creating your art. Others are not trying to say that your piece is bad, but everyone percieves things differently and may think that you should make things different.

  6. After reading about critiques, i learned some things that i did not know before. Such as you need to focus on all the different aspects of the content; such as form, volume, its meaning, contrast, emotion, and structue.
    I think that critiques are valuable because as the artist you see the work the way you invisioned it and from your own perspective. But having it critiqued gives others a chance to voice the differing idea's about you work. Even though sometimes their imput might not be what you wanted to hear i could still be helpful to you art.

  7. Before reading this I did not know that there were two different types of criticism (Objective and Subjective)
    This is valuable because now I will know when I criticize someones work I can now know what I am criticizing, the different aspects of their work and which category it falls into, weather objective: how well the design utilizes the elements and principles of design or subjective: the personal aspect of the work. This can also help to distinguish when criticizing how the design was created from the personal impact it will have.

  8. I did not know much about criticism before reading this article. There are all different ways to criticize someone work. You should really take the time to examine the art work and see where the artist is coming from. Critiquing is very valuable to artist and can really improve there work. Critiquing can also voice other peoples opinions. It can also spark an idea fr the artist and the artist can take that idea and make something better out of what they already have.


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