Wednesday, February 2, 2011


1. Go to Moodle and read the short passage on Rhythm found under this week.

2. After reading it, watch the short video below.

3. In the comments, describe the rhythm that you see AND hear in the video. Be as descriptive as you can.

4. Then, for class next week, February 9th:
  • In your sketchbook: Make sketches of simple shapes. Then, using repetition and gradation, draw each shape 10 times, making it gradually change in shape and or size.
  • Pick one of the shapes and their gradations. Cut out 10 planes and build a 3d cardboard model, which demonstrates rhythm. You may also experiment with texture. Be creative.


  1. the rhythm i see with the feather-like figure is that it flows, the shapes go from smaller to larger. the light that reflects of the figure as it turns around displays a color rhythm of dark and light. The figure seems as though it will never stop moving. The music starts off gentle as it flows with the music, and as it goes on the music gets louder and louder building up the speed of the rhythm. Then it comes to a stop but the object keeps moving.

  2. The figure in my opinion has a lot of rhythm. It is surrounded by lighter colors and is placed near a window in which sunlight is reflected off its leaf- like shapes. When it starts spinning it is moving in contrast with the music. The music starts building up speed, the figure starts to build up speed. As the song progresses into a faster pace, so does the figure. At the 50 second mark the music starts to climax and that's when I could really feel and see the rhythm of the figure. The figure becomes more 3-D in my eyes and it feels like the different sizes of the leaves makes the figure more interesting. The reflection of the light on the black surface really brings out the details in the figure.

  3. The figure in this video shows rhythm not only in its movement but in the shape as well. The piece consists of similar shaped black leaves in varying sizes. As the video progresses and the piece begins to move, we see these leaves move in various directions, creating a visually intracate pattern. One distinct aspect of the video is when the music's tempo increases, so does the movement of the piece, which creates a sense of rhythm and harmony. Thde reflection of light upon each leaf is what makes it appear 3-dimensional and balances out the harsh black surface color.

  4. The figure in the video displays rhythm in a number of different ways. First, visual rhythm is displayed with the figures varying sizes in the "leaf" like shapes that are represented. At the top, the leaves are bigger in size and boldness. As you look down, each additional leaf is smaller than the one above it. As the object moves, the leaves at times go in different directions and speeds. By the end of the video, the music goes from fast and loud to quiet and the figures leaves all end up facing the same direction.
    Rhythm is also represented in the music because in the beginning of the video it starts off small and quiet, and as the video goes on it gets louder and faster. The object seems to move to the sound and tone of the music.

  5. The figure shows rhythm repeating in a consistent way and never changing as the figure rotates it shows the light and dark phases and also how it gradually gets larger makes it easy for the eye to follow and when the figure seems to change its direction it does so smoothly.
    The rhythm I hear seems to flow with the movement of the figure as it slowly rotates the music is soft and repetitive and towards the end of the video the music pics up as the figure seems to start rotating faster to continue the relationship between between the figure and the music .

  6. The figure shows rhythm as the shapes get larger. It also slowly moves to the music that is being played in the background. The music is repetitive like the figure is. The figure also reflects light off it and gives it a calmer feeling.

  7. The pigure in this video shows rythm by repeting the pattern of its blades as it rotates. This movement is fluid and draws in the viewer. At time sit appears as if there are several different wings but then they all come together as one. The musics rythm goes along with the pattern of the wings coming together, i think that having those corresopnd makes the peice very appealing.

  8. The figure shows rhythm in different ways. The shapes are all pretty much the same but vary in size. At times, the shape can have rhythm when it is all facing the same way and looks like a wing, and also at other times it can look like leaves off of a stem. Either way, it shows a pattern and the shapes are repetitive. There is rhythm when the shapes move around in a circular motion and it goes along with the music. The music begins with slow beats, and then the rhythm gets faster and the beats become more intense. The harmony of the music gives the entire piece a nice sense of rhythm because they seem to go well with one another, and as the figure moves, as does the beats of the music.

  9. The shapes within this figure are all the same but they show gradation. They gradually get smaller as the eye goes from the top to the bottom of the figure. The way the figure is spinning makes my eye travel from the bottom from the top. Also, the noises in the background are all the same (rythmn) and they gradually get louder and faster (gradation).


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